And yes, I am on the road to recovery today. Yep, looks like Teddy T and co. made the right call, didn't they?
And nearly as great as the Packer win, is the exposure of Dallass, Texass and Jerry Jones' taxpayer-funded stadium as a TOTAL FRAUD. Not only is the state and city too damn cheap to have road salt for the one week that place will be on the world's biggest stage, but they did not deliver seats to hundreds of ticket holders, in what seems to be a self-centered Texass mentality to have the largest attendance at a Super Bowl. The NFL, showing more class than Jerry Jones and co., has given triple the face value refunds and tickets to next year's Super Bowl as a major "we're sorry." But the egg on the face of Dallass and Texass is obvious, and it's symptomatic of the fool's good that Texass's "prosperity" is based on. You couldn't pay me enough money to live in that cesspool (other than Austin, of course).
Lastly, RIP to Zim's in Milwaukee. I had plenty of great times there with great people, and hopefully Mike gets to continue to live the dream in the Third Ward, or somewhere else with a better landlord. Milwaukee needs more places like Zim's downtown, not fewer.
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