Saturday, June 20, 2020

When you let the bad guys get away with it, they do Friday Night Massacres

As I was having another Friday night at home, I saw this information come across the wires.

Fishy enough, given the Friday night release of that info, and that we know SDNY is charged with overseeing President Trump's sketchy financial dealings and the related sketchy people from multiple countries that are involved with them.

And then things got REALLY interesting.

Or as another New Yorker put it.

And Mystal calling out Mueller is right on the money. Especially as we also found out on Friday night via the release of that Mueller had clear evidence that Trump lied to him on knowing about Russian work with WikiLeaks, and didn't indict him or go public with that information because didn't have the guts to pull the trigger and deal with the Trump/GOP hate machine. So he did nothing and let the corruption continue.

There's this belief among far too many Americans (and especially elites) that our system will work out, no matter who is in charge of pulling the levers of power and administering the rules of the game. Because fixing the flaws takes work, and also requires us to recognize that we have been playing in a rigged, losing game where the average person isn't able to see justice, accountability or economic advancement no matter how many things they did right.

Few want to admit they're losing, and even fewer of the winners will want to change that game, so we keep this failing system until disasters strike. And yes, it's odd that we have to rely on a politician I called Status Quo Joe to play a big role in changing this losing game. But as we've seen in the last few weeks, what is the "acceptable middle" can change pretty fast when people give a damn and take action.

Because our "leaders" want to keep their livelihoods and not have people become so engaged that they pay attention to their (in)action, they are now put into a situation where they might have to get off their backsides and do something. Others are so far gone into the Swamp that they don't care, or think so little of their constituents that they think they can continue to cover up for their crookedness and failing system without having any consequence.

If they keep cheating and ignoring, then they need to be shoved out of their jobs through primaries, general elections, and impeachments....although that's a bare minimum. I wouldn't mind if this came back for a while to serve as a reminder about the whole "consent of the governed" thing.

A few perp walks would also be nice. "Law and order" has to apply to our politicians and their lackeys FIRST, not last. And this country has gotten that backwards for far too long.

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