Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Happily breaking down the Walz!

Besides "pleasantly surprised", I think helps sum up my feelings about VP Harris' decision on her successor.

And the Trump/GOP's attempts to respond to the pick of Minnesota Guv Tim Walz tells you it was the right thing.

RADICAL, CRAZY stuff there! I've even heard Wisconsin Republicans say "we don't want Wisconsin to turn into Minnesota" as some kind of attack line. Then I see how Minnesota has a bunch of things that Wisconsinites want (like higher wages and better funded schools and lower property taxes and realioty-based gun safety laws and 21st Century social polciies), and I think "Go ahead with that, WisGOP. Your gerrymander isn't around to save your regressive BS this time."

(Related note, VOTE NO in the next 7 days to stop the gerrymander from living on with these BS amendments that the GOPs are trying to sneak through).

I watched the Walz part of the rally introducing him as VP today, and he seeemd to be having the time of his life, and the Philly crowd was going nuts for him. I think a lot of that is because of the type of guy Walz is, and is not.

As a GenX white guy, it is embarassing to see what so many guys in my demographic (and younger!) have become, at least on the political stage. Regressive jerks who are stuck in a toxic combo of "1980s shameless yuppie" for work with beliefs on gender roles that are set back around 1952. But also being whiny little bitches whenever they get called out for being such absurd and arrogant dimwits. These are not people I would ever want to be around, let alone imposing their rules onto the rest of the country.

Watching Walz and Harris speak at the VP-intro rally in Philly, both talked about "joy" as something that was important to have as an attribute. I think that's going to play really well when compared to the angry, whiny white men, self-absorbed fundies, and basement-dwelling incels that the GOP parades out on a daily basis.

It reminds me of a line I heard WisDems Chairman Ben Wikler give. "Wisconsin has a red Legislature, votes purple, and has a blue, progressive heart."

100% true. What voters believe in, is progressive. And when you get progressive (or even somewhat-progressive) stuff done, people like it. Do you hear Republicans saying in public that they want to continue 2017's tax cuts for the rich or ban abortion or throw out Obamacare these days? NO WAY! They know it's electoral suicide to tell the voters what they (and their oligarch donors) really want them to do.

I just watched Walz say "I learned to compromise, without compromising my values." YES! EXACTLY! And you get elected to get things done, not to grab power and give out funds to your donors.

It's why Dems in the Midwest recognize that you have to make changes happen when you get the chance to do so, instead of caring more about staying in power and making connections over doing actual policy (LOOKING AT YOU COASTAL DEMS). And boy would I love a chance to see my state get a fraction done that Walz has been able to do across the St. Croix.

This feels great. And you can tell the Republicans have no clue how to answer the momentum that the Harris-Walz ticket has, beyond tired lines and cultural BS that is out of step with the Real America. We just need the good folks to keep pounding for the next 13 weeks, speaking up for the right things, and never apologize for it.

1 comment:

  1. Wait, what? Kamala didn’t pick the safe, bland, middle-of-the-road astronaut from Arizona so conservative-leaning independents wouldn’t freak out and maybe she could win Texas?

    I can’t even put into words how stunned and happy I am about Walz…and how absolutely joyous it is to watch the footage of the rallies in Philadelphia, Eau Claire, and Detroit with 10,000+ voters at each venue going completely apeshit. This is the most unified and optimistic I’ve ever seen the Democratic Party in my almost 60 years of life. As Harris says, “We may be the underdogs, but we have the momentum!” Oh yes, we do. Let’s keep it going!

    Minnesconsin Tom
