NEW — OMB temporarily pauses all agency grants and loans programs. Per copy of memo: "The use of Federal resources to advance Marxist equity, transgenderism, and green new deal social engineering policies is a waste of taxpayer dollars that does not improve the day-to-day lives of those we serve."
— Marisa Kabas ( January 27, 2025 at 5:04 PM
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The now confirms my earlier reporting:
— Marisa Kabas ( January 27, 2025 at 8:10 PM
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This is THEFT, folks. The Trump Administration is stealing money that BY LAW was allocated and set aside for specific things, and now they're just holding onto it and could redirect it to go in their own pockets and/or the pockets of whoever kisses up to them. Ok, Dems? There's your easy message. The Trump Administration is STEALING TAX DOLLARS for no legitimate reason beyond self-enrichmwent and power-grabs. Not only do I want immediate lawsuits this morning against this impoundment (which I will repeat, IS AGAINST THE LAW), this is worthy of impeachment. Sure, GOPs in the House and Senate won't go along with it, but fuck em. Make them go on the record and say that their job in Congress is a phoney-baloney gig without power, because they allow a sundowning 78-year-old President and his wack-job puppetmasters to do whatever they wants, including ignoring whatever Congress passed into law. And most of these stolen funds go to states, including Wisconsin, as Marquette professor Phil Rocco reminds us.Everything is extremely chaotic but the best info we have so far suggests that Trump’s “stop funding” EO would cover: Medicaid ESSA funds IDEA Snap School meals WIC Head start grants Child care block grants Pell grants Student loans Higher Ed grants Housing vouchers CTE Devastating beyond words.
— Leah Greenberg ( January 28, 2025 at 7:54 AM
It's not like the WisGOPs don't know this. Check out this comment from when asked why we are only 1 of 2 states that have not guranteed a full year of Medicaid benefits to help new mothers.To put the OMB grant freeze in context, roughly 17.5% of Wisconsin’s revenue comes from federal grants in aid last I checked. Overall, federal grants account for roughly 36% of all state government budgets in US. In a number of states the federal share is even higher.
— Phil Rocco ( January 27, 2025 at 9:12 PM
“I think it’s a little premature to have any discussions about the Medicaid budget right now. We have a brand new administration coming into D.C.,” Rep. Tyler August, R-Walworth, said last week. “I think the Trump administration is actually going to put some common sense into some of these programs federally.” Assembly Number 2 Tyler August"Common sense"? From the Trump folks? That's hilarious, Number 2. What August means is that Trump/GOP wants to use Medicaid cuts to keep the GOP Tax Scam going beyond this year, so they can't count on the feds covering enough of the bill if postpartum Medicaid was expanded. One problem, Tyler. We'd have to make up the lack of federal spending on all forms of Medicaid, which accounted for well over half of the $14.25 billion that our state spent on benefits. So if those funds get cut, we're going to have to spend more state dollars. Which means that Governor Evers and every Dem at the Capitol should tell Rep. August, Robbin' Vos and the rest of the GOP Legislature that there won't be any tax cuts at the state level if the Trump/GOPs insist on stealing funds from the US Treasury. Also, most GOP-run red states need that federal money more than Wisconsin. The taxes that states like New York and California send to DC get redirected to those in need, and because red states are wracked with poverty and underinvestment, due to lousy GOP policies at the state level, they get more of those funds than most. I would hope Dems in Congress go on the attack and hammer every GOP from a GOP-leaning area, and tell their constituents they are choosing Donald F'ing Trump over their everyday needs. And that Trump will raise the taxes of everyone by cutting off aids to states. Yes, this impoundment by TrumpWorld is an outrageous move. But I'm not a Dem lawmaker and it's not my job to be consumed by the Trump/GOP douchebaggery of the day. It's up to our elected officials and others who have jobs in politics to make this THEFT an issue and mess up all other GOP plans until the theft stops. And there is no compromise to be had on illegal BS like this. PS - Gov Evers has already sent a letter that basically asks "Hey Trump. WTF is going on here?"
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