Wednesday, March 19, 2025

A tale of 2 tax plans

2 recent releases spell it out well, both at the state and federal level, when it comes to tax plans.

On the national side, here's what Yale University got when they looked at spending cuts and tax changes in the Trump/GOP budget outline.

Back here in Wisconsin, the Legislative Fiscal Bureau has just released its distributional analysis of Governor Evers' tax initiatives in his 2025-27 budget. And it shows that nearly 3/4 of Wisconsinites will pay lower income taxes under Evers' plan, and just over 1% (which are almost all 1%ers) will pay more.

In addition, Evers includes property tax cuts as a method of giving more state funding to schools and municipalities, along with a sizable increase in spending that generally assists more lower-income Wisconsinites than higher income ones (although a lot of the Evers initiatives are universal in nature).

WisGOPs are likely to remove most if not all of these items, and push a tax cut that will undoubtably give the highest benefits to the richest Wisconsinites.

Choose you tax plan accordingly, folks!


  1. Jake; Can you provide a link to the Tax chart for SB45/AB50? Hard to make out here.
