Monday, October 3, 2016

SCOTUS wusses out on John Doe

After seeing SCOTUS take a pass on taking up John Doe today, I'm furious. These issues of dark money and fake charities will not go away, and our system of government is not legitimate until these issues are dealt with.

There must be changes in next month's elections, with new blood put into our state Capitol, or it feels like there will be turmoil that will make 2011 feel like a casual lunch conversation.

The sun may be out in these parts for the first time in a week, but the dark clouds are hanging over the government in Fitzwalkerstan more than ever.

THIS IS NOT OK. More to come later tonight


  1. I'm not a lawyer but can't we get the DOJ involved? I'm beyond disgusted with this outcome.

  2. Lets just hope that they only intend to delay hearing this case until they have a full court.

    If they came to a tie as it is nothing would happen.

    1. Im wondering if a 4-4 decision possibility played in. Although if true, it means Kennedy lied in Citizens United re- disclosure and "independence" of SuperPACs/ 501-c4s.

      Or maybe they want it to be more definitive, where a full 9-member court makes it more "legit" in their elite minds. Either way, it just screwed all of with decency (who knew you could get away with money-laundering and pay-for-play?), and I'm enraged

  3. Greg...thata what I was thinking. Did the court duck this because a split court with a draw decision would mean the lower court ruling would stand? It stands now, but can it be brought again when Scalia's seat is filled?

    1. The problem had (?) been the evidence... AFAIK, the original destroy orders were pending this appeal path. The recent leak to the Guardian may have helped mitigate that somewhat...
