Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Images of the day

This sums it up quite nicely, I think.

Scotty playing dress-up for Foxconn might even edge out this iconic image from his last campaign.

This guy is flailing and LOSING, both on the Fox-con, and in the election as a whole. It's also funny how this guy's campaign latches its ads about Foxconn onto my site because it thinks I'm interested (you views may vary). It's almost like they're trying to convince themselves AND any rubes who might be suckered in by their spin that the Fox-con somehow helps the rest of the state (it doesn't, in fact it takes away jobs and projects from the rest of the state).

It's toime time to bury this guy's career in that ditch 14 weeks from tonight, and stop the constant embarrassment that results from having this dimwitted grifter Dropout represent the state of Wisconsin.


  1. His lack of depth and in-your-face incompetence- instituting simple solutions like the tuition freeze that ignores the growing UW need for money-has set in place a ticking time bomb disasters that will likely be blamed on Democrats when they have to tax and spend again.

    1. Heck, it's the intelligence of Walker's (or at least his puppetmasters') design!
