In between the absurdity and bumbling that is today Wisconsin GOP were these couple of gems in the last week. Both of which involve topics I have some familiarity with.
1. The Walker Administration's idea to remove a cost-benefit analysis when deciding if they want to contract a service out. Yes, because the Blackwaters and Wackenhunt's of the world are sooo cost-effective and upstanding overseers of the taxpayers' dollars, let's just give them multi-million dollar contracts with little to no oversight. I mean, why have a state employee do a job when you can pay an unaccountable consultant $125 a whole lot more, right?
The especially cool part about that one is DOA Secretary Mike Huebsch saying "We did a cost-benefit analysis on the cost-benefit analysis and found it was costing us money." Even by Walker Admin. standards, that takes the Unintentional Comedy Scale to a new level.
2. The DOA also had to reveal to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel where it came up with its estimate of $7.5 million of damages caused by protestors to the Capitol building. And here it is!
Yeah, as someone that has to gather independent cost estimates for government procurements, I usually need more proof than me writing stuff on the back of a piece of notebook paper. Now, call me a stickler, but if I threw some figure against the wall for something involving taxpayer dollars and massively inflated it, I think I'd get fired for cheating the public.
But then again, I'm liberal, which does mean I have to be much better at my job than the right-wing affirmative action cases that seem to fill this administration. Oh well...
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