Thursday, February 13, 2014

Quick update on low post frequency

Been tied up with work, family and outside items, so that's why I haven't said much in recent days. But I did get to see Mary Burke in action, and while she can be a bit rehearsed (Mary, you're on our school board, we know who you are), she hit on a surprising number of progressive themes and stands. If she does that, and answers the lies of the right-wing propaganda machine, she could do quite well, indeed.

More to come this weekend, but back to the real world for the short-term.


  1. Well, let's hope that she can follow the Ron Johnson trajectory, and that all the far-left malcontents who want Scott Walker to beat Burke so that we can get some imaginary perfect Democratic nominee will finally come to their senses. Because at this point it still isn't looking all that great.

  2. Alex- I think if Burke keeps saying things like this, there will be less of those questioning her (and I say this as a Vinehout supporter that still would like to see Burke pushed).

    The bigger key right now is for Burke to get her name and positions out in the public through ads and other means, because as of last month's Marquette poll, 2/3 of the state didn't have an opinion on her. Which tells me there's upside potential there IF she runs hard and progressive.
