Sunday, July 21, 2024

Thank you Mr. President. Now LET'S BEAT THE BAD GUYS

Well, there is this.

And then this.

That's what had to be done, Mr. President. It's not fair, but sometimes the voters aren't going to reward good results, and aren't going to latch onto you no matter what you say or do. And to be honest, Jpe Biden only got nominated in 2020 because calls from the big wigs were made telling many of the other Dem candidates to drop out endorse him (including Kamala Harris), Most Dem voters went along with it so we could get on with the business of beating Trump.

So the shoe went on the other foot here, where the big wigs and insiders told Biden to get out to improve the chances of beating Trump. And I assume Biden's immediate endorsement of VP Harris was part of the deal that was made. Don't fuck around in Chicago, just do the right thing and agree to back Harris, pick a good running mate, and get back to the mission at hand.

Do that, and the whole "senile old white man who is cringy to watch" factor now lies with Trump. MAGAts may not care about that, but the other 2/3 of America likely will, and have it be part of their voting calculations. Throw in a heavy dose of Project 2025 talk, and the inevitable racist/misogynist BS that will tick off anyone with a drop of decency, and I think the Dems chances of winning at all levels in November just went up by quite a bit.


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