Saturday, February 11, 2012

Quotable John Nichols

John Nichols nails it with his response to Walker's keynote speech at the nutball bubble-world convention known as CPAC.
Like Reagan before him, Walker defines serving the interests of economic royalism, taking big money to deliver big favors, and following an agenda dictated not by the needs of the American people but by the demands of those who write the biggest campaign checks as "courage."

That is not courage. In a democracy, that is heresy. And it is the fight to banish that heresy from the politics not just of Wisconsin but of America that makes the recall and removal of Scott Walker the great democratic struggle of 2012.
Indeed John, sucking Koch and ignoring the public is not strength, it is weakness. But if Walker wants to whine that he's being crucified by large numbers of Wisconsinites, I'm willing to get some nails and wood and help him out.

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