Tuesday, November 10, 2020

COVID rages to new highs after the election. Will that make the Legislature finally get off its duff?

I was wondering if Governor Evers was going to lay down new rules and restrictions in his address tonight, and generally the answer is no. The key word is "advising", as in a very strong recommendation, although Evers indicated that he would call another special session with suggested bills to deal further with the pandemic. So we'll see what that entails, and if the GOPs decide to take their first actions since April on this pandemic that don't involve using tax dollars to sue Evers.

It is unquestionable that Wisconsin's COVID outbreak has reached unprecedented levels, and it's happening in every corner of the state, with the hardest hits coming in Northeastern Wisconsin.
And now the unseasonably warm stretch that may have given a brief reprieve to many restaurants is ending. It's pretty evident that the more people are packed inside with others, the more likely they will catch COVID, and more needs to be done to prevent those situations from happening. But given how WisGOP has been unwilling to do anything for the last 7 months, do you feel at all confident that they'll change course and do the right thing now that the election is over?

We can hope so. Any sort of Legislature that cared about its citizenry would do so. But with these guys? I'm not betting on it.

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