Sunday, April 14, 2024

Since GOPs have no answers, and lose on real issues, they waste our time on non-issues

So Congress is back in session this week. With Ukraine getting bombarded by Russia and seeing their defenses run low, and with Israel and Iran exchanging hostilities, it seem like an important time for our lawmakers to get work done. Let's look at what the GOP-led House has planned for this week.

Yes, the GOPs in Congress are defending your right to...keep buying appliances and limit any kind of requirements to improve energy efficiency.

Oh, but I do see the Speaker of the House was dispatched to discuss things with the presumptive GOP nominee for President. So maybe there will be important policy items and reforms to come out of that.

Tired Big Lie stuff that doesn't exist anywhere beyond AM radio, Faux News, and GOP's BubbleWorld of BS.

But maybe things are better in the Senate. Given that Wisconsin's senior senator has 4 years before he has to fact the voters (if he doesn't retire), he has the latitude to do real work and governing. So let's see what's he's been up to.

As someone who has worked several elections in the last 4 years, this is NOT A THING in Wisconsin, and by law it is not a thing in America for elections to Congress or President. But we know why Ron Johnson says this garbage.

If 15,000 people had decided they were done with this clown show and chose to vote for the Black guy instead of RoJo in November 2022, us Sconnies wouldn't be saddled with this embarrassment, and we'd have a better functioning Senate today. Oh, but that was a bridge too far for some of you, wasn't it? (speaking of weak acts, why haven't Senate Dems ever tried to censure this Russian agent for his lies and abuses of power)?

When you see GOPs bringing up non-issues like this, it's a tell that they are losing on real issues, and are desperately trying to change the subject. This is especially true in Bubble World of BS, and The New Republic's Greg Sargent recently had an excellent podcast showing how this works in GOP-perganda broadcasts. He was joined by John Whitehouse of Media Matters on the pod, which was recorded right after Arizona's Supreme Court outlawed virtually all abortions by reactivating a law from 1864.

You can guess how that development was (not) covered by Faux.

Out of sight, out of mind, you know.

This is why Dems need a presence in every corner of the state and the country. Because if they're not being intrusive with media and messaging to try to burst the GOP's Bubble of BS, casual voters will think the Faux News non-issues are worth caring about and getting distracted by. And corporate media won't care to ask GOP politicians about real issues if Dems don't keep pressing with real questions and concerns.

But if Dems confront media and voters with how GOPs refuse to deal with real problems, and back actions that make everyday people's live worse, then they may make some inroads in Trump Country that will make it near-impossible for GOPs to win in this state, and nationwide.

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