Monday, November 4, 2019

Cost of Medicare for All - Part 3. The SNL Open

I guess I didn't have to write a whole post on how Elizabeth Warren's Medicare for All plan is financed. I should have just waited for Saturday and this explanation from SNL, courtesy of the great Kate McKinnon.

"Mr. Bezos, the government is a little like Amazon Prime. You reap the benefits, you gotta pay an annual fee, and that's called "taxes". And unlike you, we just can't take it out of your debit card without warning. Third, I'm gonna tax the banks. DUH! What did you think I was going to do? Hold up a gas station? They're gonna pay for it, and not one penny from the middle class. All we gotta do is to convince JP Morgan to operate like a non-profit."

"We're talking trillions. When the numbers are this big, they're just pretend. There ain't no Scrooge McDuck vault. You ready to get red-pilled? Money doesn't exist. It's just a promise from a computer. You might as well just say it costs firteeen-nonjillion over 12-firteen-10. Same difference."

"The bottom line is, people are afraid of change. They only like their current insurance because they already know what it is, not 'cause it's good. Some things seem scary until you try em and find out they're great. Like sushi or butt stuff."

"Your insurance is like a bad boyfriend. Girl, listen to me. You need to leave him! He is draining you! You deserve better! Dump his ass!...Here's what gonna happen, you're gonna call him, and you're gonna end it....And then one day Blue Cross Blue Shield is gonna text you from Club Sand and say 'Baby I miss you", and you'll say "NEW PHONE, WHO DIS?" Ok, girlfriend you're gonna be just fine!"

"Do you understand this? I do. I could explain it to you, but you'd die."

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